Request Medication Or Supplements

For your convenience, you can request medication or supplements for your horse or pony below. Please just fill out the form with the information requested below, and allow 2 days for us to liaise with the vet. If you require medication or supplements for more than one horse, please fill out a separate form for each one.

We generally ask to re-examine your horse or pony every 6 months to 1 year depending on the condition - to look for any changes in the condition, any side effects and generally to ensure the condition is being managed well. The law requires that this check is done, and if we haven’t seen your horse within the appropriate time period we will let you know.

If you have any questions about your medication or supplement order please contact the office and we’d be happy to help! Your order will be confirmed by our reception team and please note full payment must be received before we will post the medications to you.  If for collection, you can pay in advance or upon collection. Please note, for collections we will advise you when your horse’s medication is ready to collect. For drop offs and postage we will endeavour to complete these within 7 working days from initial request.

Radio options for How would you like to receive your medication?

For drop offs, please provide the full address and, if possible, What3words code and any other instructions you would like passing on to the vet (e.g. Please leave in tack room etc.) Please note that even if requested, it may not be possible to arrange for a drop off. For postage, please advise if delivery is to a different address from the one detailed above.

Do we have a copy of your horse’s Section 9/Meat Section confirming your horse is signed out of the human food chain?
*Please note that each image can be a maximum of 2mb. Please select all images you require before uploading.
Radio options for Acknowledgement method