Welcome New Vet, Veronica!

Welcome New Vet, Veronica ImagePlease welcome the next member of our vet team – Veronica Nunes! She graduated from University of Porto, in Portugal, and has gained vet experience all over the world. During her last year of University she went to Jockey club of Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo (Brazil) where she learned and practiced extensively in horse racing. In Brazil she also practiced with Polo horses at Maragata polo team in Indaiatuba.

After that she went to Sydney-Randwick Equine Center in Australia, where she dealt with several race horse pathologies, mainly respiratory, which inspired her to write her thesis on “Laryngeal Hemiplegia in Thoroughbred Racehorses”.

She has also worked as a veterinary surgeon in Ireland, Northern Ireland and most recently as an ambulatory vet in England.

She loves travelling, meeting new people, learning about new cultures and new languages. In her free time she practices yoga, sings and plays guitar and does all sorts of outdoor sports and martial arts including horse riding, jiu-jitsu, surfing and diving!

Please join us in welcoming Veronica to the Agnew team!