New Year's Commitments For A Healthy Horse In 2023

We've probably all had enough of resolutions at this point - So how about some simple commitments as horse owners instead? Here are a few ideas to get organised for the new year and ensure you've done what you can to keep your horse or pony well in the months ahead.

  • Keep an eye on vaccination dates and annual dental appointments and book them in now for when they are due! Or if you've missed them it is easy to get started again using our Saver Days.
  • Check your horse's Body Condition Score - and take action based on the results. If you find your horse is overweight the most impactful thing you can do to keep them healthy is to make changes now to get them to their ideal condition.
  • Check now and in the spring for any toxic plants in your paddocks - it has been a bad year in particular for Atypical Myopathy so keep an eye out for sycamore seedlings soon.
  • Sort a worming plan! We should be moving away from blanket worming as resistance to wormers is growing. Instead move to a sample worming program like our Strategic Worm Pack which tests your horse to see whether worming is required.
  • Measure your horse's vital signs like heart rate, temperature and respiratory rate so you know what is normal for them! Then if you're ever worried, you know what to measure against and can provide this information to your vet.
  • The new year isn't all about making rules - remember get the jobs done and then have fun! Have a great year!